ANYONE FOR CRICKET? | 1874 Northwich F.C.


The annual friendly cricket match between Davenham Cricket Club and 1874 Northwich FC has been arranged for Sunday 19 June 2016.   

The venue will be Davenham Cricket Club with the match starting at 1pm.   Mr Eddie Phillips has very kindly agreed to sponsor the match and to provide a trophy.

The address for Davenham Cricket club is Butchers Stile, Hartford Road, Davenham, Northwich, CW9 8JG. 

The club would like to encourage its supporters to attend this social event and give support to the team, which will include Mike Brandon and Jack Woolley, who have kindly agreed to take part. 
This is the second time that the challenge match between the two clubs has been held.   The inaugural match held last year was a very enjoyable day for the team and supporters.  There will be a BBQ and Davenham Cricket Club serve excellent real ale beers. 
The following Sunday 26 June 2016 has been held in reserve in case the weather is too inclement on the 19th June, but hopefully this will not be the case and that it will be a warm and sunny day. 
We are in the process of selecting a team to represent 1874 Northwich.  If anyone connected with 1874 would be interested in playing cricket for the team, please contact the club on 07975 679624 or email and leave their contact details.     

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