300+ Club Draw – January 2020 | 1874 Northwich F.C.

300+ Club Draw – January 2020

The monthly draw was held on the 18th at the home match versus Charnock Richard, with the winning numbers being drawn out by the Officials from our visitors as follows:

300+ Club January 2020

£20057Lee Broughton
£100107Chris Stockton
£50326Mark Kelly
£5088Ryan Crowther
£50180Stuart Evans
£5034Victoria Barlow

Chris Stockton holds the number 107 on behalf of his niece Emily so the money will be a nice gift for her.  The total of ‘paid for’ numbers in the draw this month was 322 and one of the above was a winner for the first time. 

Details of how to join the 300+ Club can be obtained by sending an e-mail to Guy Jewell at [email protected] , from the website at http://1874northwich.com/300club/ or asking for details at an 1874 match or event.

This month marks the start of the 8th year for the 300+ Club – it has provided a fantastic source of funds for the Club and plenty of good prizes for members so thanks to all who have participated over the years.

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