On Saturday 5th March, 1874 Northwich will have a special guest attending the Congleton Town game, eight year old Alfie Lund, who along with his family is raising funds and awareness of a rare life limiting condition called Mecp2 Duplication syndrome.
They will be taking a collection and also displaying a section of their amazing football memorabilia collection, which at the end of the season will be auctioned/sold off to raise further funds after a new world record attempt has been submitted to the Guinness book of World Records.
Alfie unfortunately suffers from Mecp2 Duplication syndrome. The condition means Alfie can’t walk or talk, he has profound and multiple learning difficulties, epilepsy, is on the autistic spectrum and suffers chronic recurrent chest infections and pneumonia which are the main cause of death with almost half succumbing before the age of 25. These are just a few of the symptoms associated with the condition.
The Alfie Lund Fund was set up four years ago with the aim of raising funds for specialist equipment for Alfie and awareness of the condition and helps the newly founded charity Mecp2 Duplication UK which helps support the 30 or so families now living with the disorder here in the UK.
If any supporters have any old shirts, scarves or flags they want to donate please bring them down on the day or contact The Alfie Lund fund via:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thealfielundfund
email: [email protected]
twitter: @alfielundfund