Presentation Evening & 300 Club Draws | 1874 Northwich F.C.

Presentation Evening & 300 Club Draws

As the event is only a few days away, please ensure that the Presentation Evening Draw ticket stubs for all sold tickets are returned to the Club for the draw on the night.

So if you still have some tickets or proceeds from sales then please return them by Thursday 7th May in one of the following ways:

• Give them to Guy Jewell (or other Board member) or Toddy Barlow
• Take them to Level One in town and they will be collected
• Contact the Club on 07975 679624 or by e-mail at [email protected] and arrangements can be made to collect them from you

Thanks to all those supporters that have bought tickets or taken books to sell – your efforts really do help to fund the Club.

If you haven’t been able buy tickets yet then they will be available on the night or you can contact Guy using the details above if you can’t make the event.

300 Club Draw
This May draw will also be held at the Presentation Evening.

It is a ‘bumper prize’ draw with the prizes being £500, £250 and 3 x £50. In addition, to celebrate reaching the 300 number mark, there will be an extra £50 prize drawn on the night.

So there should be plenty of happy winners on Friday night!

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