300+ Club Draw – June 2019 | 1874 Northwich F.C.

300+ Club Draw – June 2019

As there were not any matches or social events held in June, the monthly draw took place at a meeting of the 1874 Board at the Memorial Court on 27th June with the winners being drawn out as follows:

300+ Club June 2019

£200214Kai Hughes
£100221Nathan Walton
£50325Steve Richardson
£50291Phil Knapper
£50182Dave James
£5045Mike Angus

The total of ‘paid for’ numbers in the draw was 341 and for a change this month there were no first time winners.

Thanks to all 300+ Club members for the continued support they give to the Club – all the funds raised contribute to the activities of the football club.

Details of how to join the 300 Club can be obtained by sending an e-mail to Guy Jewell at [email protected] or from this link or asking for details at an 1874 match or event.

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