300+ CLUB DRAW – JUNE | 1874 Northwich F.C.


The June draw was carried out on the 29th, once again via Zoom with our Football Secretary Vicki acting as witness.  The winning numbers were drawn as follows:

300+ Club June 2020

£20049Rebecca Atherton
£100212Graham Cookson
£50185Keith Ferguson
£50138Gary Bunby
£5090Vicki England
£5052Victoria Atherton

The total of ‘paid for’ numbers in the draw was 348 with two of the winners doing so for the first time.  Having seen one of her numbers being drawn out, Vicki generously donated the £50 back to the Club – what a star she is!

The winners will be contacted to arrange making direct payments to their bank accounts.

Details of how to join the 300+ Club can be obtained by sending an e-mail to Guy Jewell at [email protected] , from the website at http://1874northwich.com/300club/ or asking for details at an 1874 match or event.

Thanks to all members of the 300+ Club – now more than ever, the money raised helps to keep the Football Club going forward.

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