The Club wishes to advise supporters that following a review of the Club’s financial position and an important budget setting exercise, members of the Board at their meeting on Thursday 11 June, agreed the following admission prices for the 2015/2016 season.
£6 Adult admission
£4 Concessions
Admission for Under 12’s remains free of charge
Supporters who purchase season tickets, will continue to benefit from watching three games for free, meaning ‘21 matches for the price of 18’. Therefore our season ticket costs for 2015/2016 will be:
£108 Adult
£72 Concession
Club Chairman Paul Stockton said “Whilst it is pleasing that the Club is in a good financial position, it is important that we should not become complacent and must continue to work hard and promote the much-valued fundraising events throughout the year”.
“Increasing the cost of admission was not an easy decision to take, however in order for the Club to move its plans forward, the Board felt that this was necessary. The adult admission cost of £6 brings us in line with other clubs at our level”.
“We feel confident that our loyal supporters will appreciate the Club’s decision and will continue to attend in fantastic numbers”.
Details of how to purchase season tickets will be announced shortly.