'Bring a mate day' 28th Sept | 1874 Northwich F.C.

‘Bring a mate day’ 28th Sept

Following this splendid idea from an 1874 supporter further discussions took place at the recent Board Meetings and it was agreed to fully support this initiative on Saturday 28th September versus Formby.
We are very grateful for the idea, as it has already been noticed that more and more old faces are turning up to have a look at what is being created here. We do think that even more people should avail themselves of the opportunity to come and watch a community club that wants to live within its means whilst being open to thoughts, ideas and suggestions of its supporters.
So please take a moment and ask yourself if you are able to spread the word and bring a mate to the Formby game on the 28th – YOU know that your mate will enjoy the experience just as much as you have been doing already.
As a thank you for supporting us, on the day EVERYONE who attends will receive a free raffle ticket on entry, and we will draw TWO winning tickets out. Each winner receiving an INAUGURAL PRE SEASON FRIENDLY 1874 SHIRT, two of the very first shirts worn by our team. This is your chance to own a little slice of our history!
In anticipation of a good turn out our Chairman has even promised to order more Birtwisles pies!!
Thank you to all of our supporters and we hope to see you on the 28th of September. 

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