Dear Member or potential Renewed member of 1874 Northwich FC,
We have reviewed the current position of “paid renewed” members as of this morning 19th October 2016.
With the AGM coming up on 24th November 2016 it is important that members who have as yet not renewed their membership for this current year 1st July 2016 to 30th June 2017 do so in order to attend and vote, as a matter of urgency.
Paid up or renewed members will then become involved in receiving all AGM correspondence and be able to participate in making important decisions for the Society / Clubs future.
To those of you that have renewed thanks, you need to do nothing else, to those who have not or are unsure of their current status, please contact me asap to confirm payment detail etc.
My e mail is [email protected], address is 450 London Road, Davenham, Northwich. CW9 8EF, mobile is 07771168278
Thanks for your help,
Rob Ashcroft Society and Membership Secretary 1874 Northwich FC.