Notice of 2016 AGM and Board Nomination | 1874 Northwich F.C.

Notice of 2016 AGM and Board Nomination


Dear Member,


The role of the Board of 1874 Northwich Football Club is to;

• Develop and establish the overall strategy and policies of the club
• Operate the club in an efficient and effective manner
• Ensure that the club complies with all relevant legal / regulatory requirements
• Adopt ‘best practice’ in relation to controls and governance
• Engage with all members and stakeholders
• Help ensure that the club fulfils its community and wider social obligations
• Permit the club to grow and develop in a sustainable manner

The rules of the club allow for the appointment of up to twelve Board Members. (Reduced by a Board Resolution August 13th 2015, subsequently passed by the 1874 membership vote 21st September 2015). Currently, there are eight Directors serving, (The Football Secretary, Vicki England and the Society Secretary Rob Ashcroft, are appointed by the Board, but are not deemed to be members of the Board).

Furthermore, our rules also specify that members who are elected to the Board will normally serve for two years. At this time four Board Members – Paul Stockton, Brian Edge, Guy Jewell and Stephen Richardson are coming to the end of their two year period and are therefore required to stand down and place themselves up for re-election, if they wish to do so.

Three Board Members, Gary Halvorsen, Andy Dignum and Jack Owen have resigned or opted to stand down and not apply for re-election this year.

The other four Board members – John Coats, James Wood, Alex Dickinson and Phil Crimes were re-elected or elected at the last AGM in November 2015 and therefore are not required to seek re-election at this time.

Hence, this means that there will be potential vacancies on the Board.

Your current Board is keen to ensure that we have sufficient members who possess the necessary skills and abilities to ensure that the club continues to grow and prosper. As an open, transparent and democratically run organisation, we also wish to see all our members play an active role in the operation of the club and that those who wish to do so have the opportunity to become a Board Member.

However we have many valued volunteers who help run and develop the Society/Club and you don’t have to be a Board Member to make a great contribution.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Board, I would be grateful if you could complete the attached nomination form. Please note that your nominations must be supported by two members of the club. These nominations can be sent by email to the Society Secretary at [email protected] or by sending the completed form to our registered address which is 450 London Road, Davenham, Northwich, Cheshire, CW9 8EF. All nomination forms need to be returned by 30th October 2016.
All Board members are required to agree to abide by the Board Membership and Conduct Policy. A copy of which can be made available.
If we receive a greater number of nominations than there are places available, then in accordance with the clubs rules, an election will take place. Should this be required, a copy of the election policy will be provided to all nominees. All members of the club will then receive voting forms and the candidates supporting statements along with guidance on how the voting forms can be returned. If seven or fewer nominations are received, then the members will be asked at the AGM to endorse the appointment of those members who have been nominated.
The result of any election will be announced at the clubs’ Annual General Meeting, the provisional date for which is Thursday 24th November 2016. The venue as previous will be Lostock Sports and Social Club, Works Lane, Northwich, CW9 7NW. The AGM will start at 7.30pm.

An agenda for the AGM and any other supporting documents will be sent out to all members in due course prior to the meeting.

The Board welcomes the submission of any motions from members that they wish to be presented at this years AGM. Please provide details of any proposed motions including the proposer and seconder names, contact details date, membership numbers and signatures endorsing the motion. These should be sent directly to the Society Secretary via e mail or post. The deadline for receipt of motions is 30th October 2015.

If you have any questions regarding the nomination and election process or the AGM itself, please do not hesitate to contact me either by writing to Society Secretary, 450 London Road, Davenham, Northwich, CW98EF or via e-mail to [email protected]

Yours sincerely,


Rob Ashcroft.
Society Secretary, 1874 Northwich Football Club 20th October 2016

1874 Northwich F.C. AGM Notice Letter 2016 RJA.Page 1


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