Presentation Evening Draw 2015 | 1874 Northwich F.C.

Presentation Evening Draw 2015

The Club is now selling raffle tickets for a draw to be made at the Presentation Evening on Friday 8th May 2015.

There will be a number of prizes with the main ones being:

     1st    Autumn break accommodation for up to 4 people in Dartmouth
     2nd   £100 holiday voucher from HD Travel
     3rd    £50 voucher from Birtwistle butchers

The top prize is the same as the last draw in 2013, which in the end was unable to be used by the winner due to personal circumstances, and has been kindly made available again, and the other two have been donated by local businesses.  A full list of all prizes will be made available shortly.

Tickets will be available at all the remaining home matches and on the night of the event.

There is a short timescale so please support the draw and help to sell some tickets on behalf of the Club if you can.

To obtain further details or tickets then please speak to Toddy Barlow or Guy Jewell, or contact the Club by e-mail at [email protected] or by telephone on 07975 679624.

All profits will go to support the activities of 1874 Northwich Football Club.

Please help to raise funds for your club.

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